The Observatory of Waste Taxation was created in 2018 to monitor the use of taxation instruments for waste policy in Spain. Our objective is to be a reference point in this field and to promote greater use of waste taxes and charges as tools to improve waste management.
This website provides a variety of content about waste charges, pay-as-you-throw schemes and landfill and incineration taxes in Spain. Furthermore, it includes case studies relevant to public administrations that may want to adopt similar schemes, as well as a section with technical and scientific reports about waste taxation.
This project is promoted by Fundació ENT and is open to collaborations with people and entities that seek to improve the quality of the environment through environmental taxation. Fundació ENT is made up of professionals with multidisciplinary profiles within the environmental sector and has a strong track record in areas such as ecological economics, political ecology, waste management, energy and fisheries.
Fundació ENT looks forward to continuing developing this website. So, we are open to collaborations to develop waste taxation instruments and to conduct new case studies. This may be through cooperation with administrations, universities, student internships, etc.
If you want to collaborate you can contact us at